If you keep getting frontpaged so much, im gonna feel left behind here :P
I feel like the trick with liquid dnb usually is that you want the bass to really fill out the lower end so that it... becomes the star of the show while still being subdued? i dont really get that feeling here, it just feels a bit... empty? I was gonna ask if you forgot the low ends but they came back later? So honestly, compositionally, maybe im just too dumb to get it?
personally, feels like this one is a little lackluster. again, missing some of those low mids but i went back to check some of your other tracks and seems like you never really bother with them, which is fine, but something should grab your attention in their place.
if you were aiming for a bit of an ambient vibe, its good background, just lacking some subwoofer, yknow?
also that gate on the drums? kinda sharp, maybe ease it a lil bit, especially since there isnt much in the treble region so cutting it abruptly makes it jarring cause... theres nothing to cover it up
I'm mostly talking out of my ass here but i hope you can take some of this advice to heart? who knows. all i know is that you can do better than this because ive heard you do better.
this sounds harsh a bit in retrospect. call it maternal instinct! i believe in you c: